lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018



Greetings! I’m one of the students who is going to talk about the activity we did on Halloween.
First, you must think about a typical Halloween picture, like a ghost, pumpkins or something like that. Then, someone of the group (yes, this activity was for a group between 3 or 4 students) draws it on a cardboard. After that, you search for a lot of words in English about Halloween or you can use sentences too. When you get all the words you need, you start to draft the drawing with those words. Finally, you paint the sketch, and that’s the activity.
Sincerely, I think the activity was very simple and congratulations to the students who did it actually well!

Celia Moreno Molina, 2º ESO B

Hello! Today I’m going to tell you what the students of IES Ricardo Delgado Vizcaíno do for Halloween. For such a special celebration, our high school has a lot of plans and ideas. The decoration is obviously the most important part, so we make sure the high school has that spooky thematic. And then, the projects, which are different every year. 
Last October, we did caligrams or visual poems. All the pupils did their drawings and they made a poem in relation to Halloween. After that, the teachers hanged them on the doors, walls, etc.
To sum up, I really enjoy the way this high school is able to make us love this tradition. This is the sort of things our great high school does at this time of the year.

Abril Mª Arroyo Durán, 2º ESO A

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